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Oil Refinery Owner’s Convictions Related To Uncovered Equalization Tanks Reversed By Fifth Circuit

Yesterday, the Fifth Circuit reversed a petroleum company’s criminal convictions under the Clean Air Act and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (“MBTA”).  The reversal vacated fines of $2 million under the Clean Air Act and $15,000 for each violation of the MBTA. In an unannounced inspection of a Texas refinery in 2012, state environmental inspectors discovered 130,000...

First Circuit Weighs In On Insurer’s Duty To Defend In Pollution Case

Decades ago, a substantial oil spill occurred in the Salem, Massachusetts area on property owned by a museum.  the pollution eventually migrated to the land of a down gradient neighbor, who brought a private claim against the museum.  The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection issued a Notice of Responsibility to the museum.  The museum made a demand on its insurer of...

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